Tuesday 27 September 2011

What a weekend!!

A couple of weeks ago Anders came to visit me in Melbourne. It was lovely to see him again, and together we explored some of the things the city has to offer. 
An awesome cool bar in the suburb Richmond! I call it 'the pharmacy bar' - dont remember the real name! With closed curtins and door, you cant see in or out and you have to ring the doorbell and ask if they want to let you in .. hehe .. a good advice is to book a table in advance!

The Metropolis at Red Bennie's

Exploring the laneways (small streets) in Melbourne

Inside 'the Archade' - an old shopping mall

St. Kilda - a suburb in Melbourne. Its different from the other suburbs as it is close to the beach and have lots of palms


View of the city from St. Kilda

Brunswick st - the style here is a bit more alternative

I spotted a cool shadow !!

A visit to Melbourne museum

I swear - that hand was all natural! haha

One night at the movie theatre Rivoli in Camberwell. We watched the Australian movie 'Red dog'

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