Sunday 25 September 2011

Old Melbourne Gaol

Hello! Sorry for not posting anything in a long time!! Im blaming a busy schedule. Here are some photos from when Anders and I went to the Melbourne Gaol (museum) a couple of weeks ago.
This is taken from outside of the Gaol. You can see some kids playing in their school uniform.
At the Gaol we joined a roleplay where this Sergeant "guided" us around as prisoners! She had quite an attitude I can tell you. Fun!  

If i remember correctly, the gaol closed down in 1992 or 94

This were the prisoners "outdoor" area

Charged for . . .

The famous Australian bushranger Ned Kelly were a prisoner here.
A museum guide telling stories about the prison and the prisoners to the school kids. They were especially interested when the guide told them about how the prisoners only got one shower a week and the limited toilet conditions! haha!!
Heads of former prisoners. Back in time, researchers thought that criminals maybe had a different size on their brain or that it worked differently. Thats why a lot of studying where performed on their heads!
A bit smaller than a student apartment

This is the spot where prisoners where hung

FlowerPower!! Looks like a bird doesnt it?

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