Monday 24 October 2011

Climbing Mount Warning

Here's the first pictures from our travels. We went hiking in Mount Warning, which is in a National park in Gold Coast... 2,5 hours up and 2,5 down.. a long, but very nice day. Great view from the top of the mountain, which is the highest one in the area.

Yay.. holiday! :) Here we are, sitting in our Wicked van! The van is going to be our way of transport and housing the next couple of weeks. . . its gonna be interesting with 5 people sleeping in it!! haha!!

Hiking the Mount Warning in Wollumbin National Park. Here's the group of fivo :)

My view from the ground . . lots of palms :)

Interesting trees and plants here in Australia..

The first part of the trip had stairs

Pretty pretty steep !!

YES...we made it!

Great view from the top.. it was definitely worth climbing up all the way!

The highest top in the right corner is where we climbed!

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