Tuesday 12 July 2011

Laneways in Melbourne

Today I met up with Camilla, Moe, Joakim and Christine to explore more of Melbourne city. We decided to take a closer look at some of the small laneways that you find across the streets of the city centre. We walked to a couple of them..  a lot more left to see! Of course, the battery in my camera died... but i luckely i got some photos.

Most of the photos show "the art of city". . which is Melbourne's street art/grafitti art. The last two are from the State library of Victoria, where they have an exhibiton of Ned Kelly for free! There are also some art at the second floor. If you're not into art or Ned Kelly, the building itself is still worth a visit.

Laneway - Hosier lane
In the middle of all graffitti.. there was a tapas restaurant.. Camilla is reading the meny outside!
Laneway - Centre Place
State library of Victoria
This is the silent reading room... pretty pretty nice!!

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